The Little Girl  

As I stare out the window, I close my eyes, take multiple deep breaths and begin to allow my thoughts and emotions to flow through. This time, on life. My most immediate thought is on my younger self. The 5 year old little girl who is brave, adventures, and to some, mischievous.  

I lived in Mexico at the time. Our home was close to a stream. I would sneak out of the house. Sometimes I would take my older sister or you my younger sister with me. Sometimes I would go alone. I'd hop from one rock to the next until I got to the other side where my feet touched the land. I'd see the open fields, with flowers, trees, birds, butterflies and would get a sense of fun. No worries. I was felt free!

When my sweet mother would realize that I was no where to be found in the house, she already knew where to go looking for me; across the stream, in the land of freedom. By the sound of her voice, I could sense how upset and worried she was with me. "How many times do I have to tell you not to leave the house?! It's dangerous for you to cross the stream. And on top of that, you take your sisters with you? Why don't you listen and do what I tell you? You can't keep doing that...."

Old, yet important thought that still lingers. Why? Because when we are young, we are in tune with who we really are. Free. Limitless. Courageous. Adventurous. We see through eyes of wonder and imagination of magic. As we grow up, w learn behaviors and beliefs from our mom, dad, brother, sisters, friends, neighbors, etc. The beliefs can be empowering or they can turn into life lessons, and (eventually) wisdom. 

I was an ordinary little girl who tested the boundaries.

Aug 2018

Dare to be Yourself

You have what no one else does. Your voice. Your mind. Your vision. YOUR story. Dare to be your powerful self. Live the life you dream of. The time is now!

July 2019